Live demo
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I started the project Mandelgo back in 2021 as a personal exercise, the goal was to use the implementation of Go’s complex numbers to compute and draw the Mandelbrot fractal in a GTK context. Almost four years later, I decided to revisit this project to develop a WebAssembly visualization, following principles explored in the previous post hosted as Mandelgo-web.
What is done, and ideas for next steps
I already implemented, like in the GTK app, the ability to zoom on click. Interesting leads for next steps could be to allow to de-zoom, display the current zoom level, show a loading icon, render chunk by chunk (my understanding is that the current WebAssembly implementation for Go is not multi-threaded, even though this could change in the future), allow customizing the pallet (this is already allowed by Mandelgo, but not yet by Mandelgo-web), and many more…